rent-a-taxi, driving in Peru, new place, walking naked, summer concert, playing dress up

Saturday, August 08, 2009

This one is backwards. I tell you what I did during the day and THEN the dream because I had a dream when I took a nap in the afternoon haha

Went to visit las abuelas (the grandmothers , just like Thursday) and ate lunch there. I had no real hangover. Decided to do the "only beer" night, and that worked. Aside from the fact that I took aspirin and anti heart burn medicine at the end of the night before going to bed. Great success! But after eating lunch at las abuelas's house we all decided to take a nap...actually we all passed out in the living room, seriously we all did...but then everyone woke up and went to their beds. I was left alone in the living room ..and I HAD A DREAM!!!

"...ok I'm only remember like little pieces of it. I was taking a taxi to my grandma's house and on the way I ask the driver, "hey can we rent the taxis", and he's like "yeah" and I'm like "but does it cost like all throughout the day or how does it work?". Now, first of all, where I got the idea that I could do this is beyond my understanding because that will never happen.

Dream Taxi Driver - what? no fool, I said yea, now go rent it!!

Ok, ok, Mr. Dream Taxi Driver, I guess I will do as you say....and so I did!... So here' I am driving in the streets of Peru for the first time ,heading to my grandma's house and I finally make it, but as I was driving I was actually inside my car that I left in Miami, but then when I got to my grandma's house I was back in the taxi...what is this? Transformers? I was sort of like moving (yeah moving to the place I was already in) so we were attaching all this crap to the taxi and trying to fit everyone in there so we can go back to the apartment I was moving to and to check out the place...Ok so off we go...the taxi suddenly turned into this bigger taxi where everything and everyone would fit...barely. When we finally get to the street where the apartment is at, well.... it looked different than what I remembered it. First of all I couldn't t find the entrance...because now there was a mansion/hotel where the building was at before. So the building was sort of inside of that. Actually my room was in there, but now it was more of a hotel room , so I guess this morphed too. But I was lost because of the change. So we had to go in through the main hotel /mansion entrance. In the "backyard' turns out there was a beach!...and they were having all this expensive parties outside and shows and with people with money...I think the theme of the party was "partly nude" because there were a lot of nudists running around, wohoooo! Everyone I was with had clothe on...until I looked down and I was completely naked, but I didn't do anything about it , I just kept talking to friends and family and THEN I realized, "oh crap!!, Oh well. Then at some point I'm trying to go up my room but I have to go through the restaurant that was by the beach, and that restaurant was attached to the building where I live and NOT the hotel...that was a different part. So I try to go around and go there, and at the beach there's this sort of "summer time concert" going on, the sunset is happening at this point. It looked awesome!..and everyone was dressed up as something. I think if you were with a group, the group had to stick to a my group (whoever it was 'cus I cant remember) was dressed I really don't know...I think it had something to do with superheroes/birds...hmm I had this plastic snap on suit of...of something that looked like an armored character from Super Smash Bros Brawl, a Wii game...hold on let me Google that up real quick,...oooooook, I got's MetaKnight, from the Kirby games. Here's a pic. End.


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