work at a new location, playing with the 'fishes', party time, can't find my shoes

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"...first there were a few things with work...some projects due by morning...I wasn't even close to finishing it...this must all come down to my nasty habit of procrastination, but then again, I believe (or at least I make myself believe) I do my best work under pressure...and speaking of pressure...I suddenly appear under water with the fish?...any who, it seems to be part of work and I needed to do some flash work related to the underwater life...who knows, maybe something for the Miami Seaquarium? ha! I tell you, work haunts us all. Then it seem it's time for a sort of gala, or party of some sort...a social event. I already knew what shoes to wear, but is not like I had them in my closet. I appear on top of an escalator that goes about 3 stories high, and they start dropping and pilling up the white shoes boxes with the sizes, I start searching for the brand and model I've previously bought for my cousin's wedding but I can't seem to find it, and I know if I take too long the boxes are going to pile up 3 stories high and I won't find them...and that is exactly what ends up happening. I'm on top of all these boxes (mind you balancing myself so I won't fall over the tower of boxes) and I couldn't find my shoes. Oh, wrong size...nope, not this one either, wrong style, damn I'm stressed! "

A crap I forgot to write this the same day (Tuesday) . Ok whatever, it's Wednesday morning , but I'll fake it...So today (Tuesday) me and Sybille (my cous) went to renew our Peruvian passports. Time of opening up my eyes: 6:30 AM!..mind you I think I went to sleep past 2 AM, but you know me, I'm a late sleeper, and not a morning person. So this was supposed to take well...say we'd get there at 7, 7:15..if this thing opened at 7:30 or 8 we'd be there max 9, 9:30...WRONG!! We did the paper work early and when they finally take our pictures the guy is like "ok about an hour and a half of wait time to receive it". What? you crazy...that'd means I'd start work at 11 (12 MIami time), and so that's what happened. In the meantime we walked around the shopping center. I also had an empanada, nice! we check back about an hour and fifteen minutes later...both our passports were ready, thank you! We headed back, clocked in, started work. That was pretty much the highlight of the day.. I was falling asleep during the day. Oh, and during the wait for the passports , there was this girl that looked exaaaaaaactly like a friend I know back in Miami... I mean identical, to the point that you realize it is not her but you just keep staring and starting, and maybe magically she will be that person...why? I don't's like when you break up with your girlfriend and she drives a certain brand of car. When a car just like that passes by you on the road, and you see it's not kinda still it really not her? ...I mean you know it's not because she has a certain bumper sticker that the other car does not have, or the opposite, that she has a sticker say, from another country, that she is not from...but you just stare...Weird.


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