
Showing posts from 2010


I KNOW ITS BEEN A WHLE...JULY 19, 2010 Crazy dream I tell you. Not sure how it started but we get a call ..oh wait...ok ok wow I remember. We were in Punta Hermosa, a beach in Peru and I drove my car to the beach house (but my car is really here in Miami). Anyway, the next morning I see my car missing. Dammit! someone stole it! grr, should've known better...For some reason I was not too upset, and had in mind that the insurance will replace it, but would not be the same :( So we are doing a mini search, I call the police and they say that today they are not working for some reason, and that tomorrow Sunday, they don't work either. So I'm like , great! How do I stop the thief from leaving? we gotta tell the guy at the gate to not le anyone out of the beach community! But that wasn't gonna work, I'm sure they're goning to be long gone by now. What are they gonan do with a Mercury in Peru anyway? Oh yea, use the Ford parts to sell $%^&*^$#@@$ Then