CMYK, Disney, people throwing knife, eating pizza, $3 bucks ,poop on me

Saturday August 22, 2009

"...ok so I tried this new thing where as soon as I wake up I press record on my "Voice Memo" feature on my phone and review the stuff I dreamt about...hmm well that worked out OK because although I have the 'heading' to each section of my dreams, it's been two days and it is NOW that I am writing it down so I kinda forgot hehe. Well I remember being a school supply store... but it had a gym. I was with my cousin Jose, who does graphic design, and we were getting materials that involved CMYK colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) which are very "IN" now. I don't know what the hell we were getting but we were running around also, hiding... again doing some spy work. I am behind a copy machine... a blonde lady is coming out of an office, it seems she has some secret and we are going to find out! ...ok let's see here.. I see I recorded in a very sleepy voice "getting Disney Channel with Karina (my cous)...what? the heck is that?...eating pizza...then I am going to my college ...again?... entarnce is S/. 10 (ten Soles, about $3.33), damn I should've kept my school decal! ahh... .some starting throwing knifes around...more pizza anyone?...maybe I'm cutting the pizza with the knife! OooOo so someone tossed me a knife? whaaa??... ok then I am still the university...on the the parking lot...and some how...and excuse me... I shit myself....I mean I have crap all over myself...My face, my mouth!...YUMMY!!!"

Yesterday didn't go out ? what? are you serious?..yeap! I ordered a pizza, thin crust...8 pieces, watched TV...I ate the whole thing!!!!..first time for everything :)


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