tour bus, chicks,cars and bombs

September 18th, 2009

I was in the bus in real life...fell asleep..this is my dream

I dreamt I was in a tour bus. There was a hot chick, well... mostly her body. I drop my phone, she picks it up and puts her number. We get to the station. Walk out and we are staying at this awesome room where my dad usually stays...and it's like a freaking house with a basketball court and this guy is there and he says it is HIS house. Outside I find a Nissan Z . There is a party at the house...and then, we are racing or chasing something in the Z...weeeeird..oh and our middle school was atop a hill....more like cliffs...going down there is a bit our house with a huge backyard and like..the hell? all these people came...the biggest party in the's like an hacienda. Then this guy loads up a bomp and presses the button, falls right on the ground and everyone leaves..wohooo!!


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